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Enrollment Information of 2021 Confucius Institute Scholarship







Host UniversityTianjin University of Technology

Tianjin University of Technology (TUT), one of the key universities in Tianjin, is located in Tianjin city, one of the four municipalities in China. Tianjin is a highly developed city with a convenient transportation system, advanced industry and commerce and an international cultural atmosphere. It is only 74 miles from Beijing, the political and cultural center of China, and has the advantage of a significantly lower cost of living than that of nearby Beijing. Together with its pleasant atmosphere and convenient conditions for learning standard Chinese spoken language, Tianjin is an excellent location for overseas students.

TUT is an engineering based multi-discipline university balancing the development of science, engineering, humanities and management disciplines. It has a professional teaching team, excellent teaching installations and a comfortable learning atmosphere.

TUT is among the earliest recommended Chinese-learning institutions by the Ministry of Education of China and is specified by the Confucius Institute Headquarters to be a host institution to admit international students who are awarded the Confucius Institute Scholarship. So far, international students from more than 50 countries have come to study at TUT and the university has presently productive cooperation with many universities and educational institutions abroad. Up to now, three Confucius Institutions were established with Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, University of Mumbai, India and University of Felix Houphouette Boigny, Cote d’Ivoire; and one Confucius Classroom with Vistula University, Poland.

The International Admissions Office was established especially for recruiting international students for TUT, offers programs in intensive Chinese language study and degree programs in various fields of language, science, engineering, management, literature, art and law.

Warmly welcome to TUT









I. Eligibility:

1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens with no criminal records;

2. Be in good health and excel in moral as academic performances;

3. Be determined to work in Chinese education, teaching and the international promotion of Chinese language;

4. Age from 16 to 35 (dates to September 1st, 2021); In-service teachers could age to 45;

5. Applicants are required to meet the criteria of different 2021Confucius Institute Scholarship categories.












II. Categories and Specific Criteria:

1. One-Academic-Year Scholarship

Entrance Time: September, 2021; Duration of Subsidy: eleven months;

International students who are now studying in China are not eligible for this kind of scholarship;

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 in HSK 3 and get priority for providing HSKK score.

2. One-Semester Scholarship

Entrance Time: Either on September, 2021 or March, 2022; Duration of Subsidy: five months;

International students who have X1 or X2 visas on the passports are not eligible for this kind of scholarship;

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 in HSK 3 and get priority for providing HSKK score.






III. Scholarship Coverage and Criteria

1. Scholarship winners are exempt from tuition, dormitory fees on campus, monthly allowance and the comprehensive insurance for foreign students studying in China.

2. Monthly allowance for 1-semester Scholarship, 1-academic-year Scholarship and BTCSOL students at the following rates (Chinese RMB per month): RMB 2,500/month.













我校与学生确认留学意向后,将《录取通知书》《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202 Form等入学材料寄至申请人的推荐机构。

IV. Time and Application Procedure

1. Start Time: from March 1st, 2021

2. Deadlines:

Before May 10th, 2021:

For entering into from September, 2021

Before November 10th, 2021:

For entering into from March, 2022

3. Procedure:

Applicants should enter the website (http://cis.chinese.cn) to register, complete and submit the Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form, and upload the scanned relevant supporting documents.

The contact information and documents provided by the applicants should be complete, true and accurate.

Hanban will conduct an overall assessment of all applications and admit applicants on the basis of competitive selection two months before the admission date.

The admission results will be informed to Tianjin University of Technology and the recommending institutes by Hanban. The applicant will be informed by his/her recommending institute.

Tianjin University of Technology will post the Admission Letter and Visa Application Form for Foreigner to Study in China (JW202 From) and other relevant documents to the recommending institutes after confirming with the selected candidates.






V. Registration and Annual Appraisal

1. The scholarship winners must register with the International Admissions Office at Tianjin University of Technology before the deadline set by our university. Scholarships will not be kept for those who do not register on time.

2. Scholarships will be cancelled for those who cannot get through the physical examination.




天津理工大学 留学生招生办公室



咨询电话:+86-22-6021-4510 (办公时间:北京时间8:30-17:00,周一到周五,节假日除外)

+86-22-60215316 (办公时间:北京时间8:30-17:00,周一到周五,节假日除外)

电子邮箱: cis@tjut.edu.cn  cielw@126.com

网址: http://chinese.tjut.edu.cn

VIContact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us:

International Admissions Office

Tianjin University of Technology

Address: Room 313, Building No.26, No. 391 Bin Shui Xi Dao Road, Xiqing District, Tianjin 300384, China

E-mail: cis@tjut.edu.cn cielw@126.com

Tel: +86-22—60214510 (Office Hour: 8:30am to 5:00pm Beijing Time, Monday to Friday)

Fax: +86-22-60215316 (Office Hour: 8:30am to 5:00pm Beijing Time, Monday to Friday)




七、 免责声明

1、 申请材料不完整或不符合招生条件的,概不受理。

2、 申请材料弄虚作假,或非本人填写提交的,一经查实,申请资格将被取消。

3、 获奖者因故不能报到,应在报到日前15天书面告知接收院校并注明原因。无故未报到者,取消奖学金资格。

4、 入学体检不合格,或中途退学、休学者,奖学金资格将被取消。


1. Incomplete or unqualified applications will not be processed.

2. Applicants will be disqualified from application in case of fraudulent application materials or application materials are completed and submitted by someone else.

3. Scholarship winners who cannot register with the host institutions on time should inform the host institutions about the reasons in written form 15 days before the registration date. For those who do not register as requested without reason, the scholarship will be canceled.

4. Scholarship will be canceled for those who do not get through the entrance physical examination, drop out, or take schooling suspension during the period of study.


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Admissions Office, Tianjin University of Technology
No. 391 Bin Shui Xi Dao Road, Xiqing District, Tianjin 300384, China
Tel: +86-22--6021-4346 and/or +86-22-23679472   Fax: +86-22-60214343
Email: tutadmissions@gmail.com    cie@tjut.edu.cn    gjjyxy@eyou.com    cielw@126.com
