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1.Psychological Preparations for Social and Cultural Differences

Before coming to Tianjin University of Technology, internationalstudents should take social and cultural differences into consideration.Imaging as many potential problems as possible that will arise when you arehere, and thinking out effective ways to deal with them will help you to enjoyyour study and life in China. First, dispel worries from cultural differences.Stepping on the land of China, international students may be curious abouteverything. But before long, problems of cultural differences may probablyworry you, such as difficulties in language communication or differences inideology. At this point, international students should learn to adapt to thelife in China and overcome the sense of loneliness. With a better understandingof the local society, international students are sure to taste the happiness oflearning Chinese culture and making friends with the Chinese people. Second,dispel worries from changes and differences of living habits. Wheninternational students are away from motherland, families and friends andstudying in an alien land, it takes some time for them to get accustomed to thenew environments. Only by understanding and adapting to the local life, can internationalstudents enjoy the study and life in China.

2.Making Friends

Friendship brings warmness and strength. Living in an alien land,friendship is more valuable. Generally, international students can make friendsin the following ways. First, make friends in the class or in the universitywith the aim of friendship, understanding and learning. Friendship will bepromoted with mutual respect and politeness. Besides, Chinese students arehappy to help international students. Second, take part in organizations in theuniversity, such as sports teams, literary and art organizations, etc. Morefriends will be made by taking part in extracurricular activities on campus.Third, make friends among international students. No matter what differences inpolitical views, religious beliefs, nationalities, skin colors and positions,all international students are equal in status. University is the place forstudy, and political differences cultural differences should not be a barrierof friendship. You can make more friends by mutual respect, seeking commonground and interest, and being together friendly. Forth, by immersing into theChinese society, international students can also make many warm-hearted,friendly and well-educated Chinese friends.

3.Preparation for the Study and Life in Tianjin

Forall international students, whether you come to Tianjin University ofTechnology for a short-term or a long-term study, the climate in Tianjin shouldbe taken into consideration. Log on the Internet to learn about the averagetemperatures and climate in Tianjin and bring enough clothes, articles fordaily use and study, and even some medicine. Of course, you can get most ofthese necessities in the local shops when you are here in Tianjin.

Admissions Office, Tianjin University of Technology
No. 391 Bin Shui Xi Dao Road, Xiqing District, Tianjin 300384, China
Tel: +86-22--6021-4346 and/or +86-22-23679472   Fax: +86-22-60214343
Email: tutadmissions@gmail.com    cie@tjut.edu.cn    gjjyxy@eyou.com    cielw@126.com
